How to Get Involved

The Upper Dublin Marching Band Parents Association consists of all parents of students in any of our Marching Programs (fall marching band, winter indoor guard, winter indoor drumline). Keeping the band healthy and thriving requires an active group of parents contributing their time and skills throughout the year.
It’s not always easy to figure out how to best spend your valuable time volunteering, so we want to help all parents get involved in a way they’ll find satisfying and useful.
Returning/new parents, please fill out our Volunteering Information Form and we’ll be in touch as we begin to plan for our 2025-26 season.
(We’ll also need help this April for our Spark of Color show - stay tuned for signupgenius emails!

Executive Board

This is a year-long position to be a voting member of the eight-person board to set the direction of the band. Meetings are typically once a month, more during big events. Also requires heavy involvement on the ground for all band related activities. The nominating committee is looking to gather all candidate names by mid-February in order to put a slate of candidates together to present to the parent population for a vote by mid-March. All board positions are one year terms and anyone is free to run for any position, regardless of the slate presented by the nominating committee. There are currently four board members that are interested in returning for another year. The new board term starts in May. Reach out to a current board member for specific questions. The board positions are:

  1. President: Oversees the board and acts as the primary liaison with the band director.

  2. VP of Operations: Oversees management of equipment, including prop construction and getting equipment on/off the field for games/competitions

  3. VP of Fundraising:

  4. VP of Large Events: Heads up planning for the Spectacle in Sound (fall home band show) and Spark of Color (spring indoor color guard competition)

  5. Assistant VP of Large Events: Works closely with VP of Large events.

  6. Treasurer: Maintains the association’s finances.

  7. Assistant Treasurer: Works closely with the Treasurer, dividing responsibilities as both roles see fit.

  8. Secretary: Takes minutes of meetings and assists with communication efforts.


We are planning to re-form the committees that have been used in the past in order to involve more parents for specific purposes. This is great for someone that would like to volunteer, but cannot commit to a year-long board position. At this point we are just looking to gather interest and there is no commitment by indicating a preference. These committees will be formed after board elections, as these committees will report to one or more board members. Some examples of this would be:

  1. Uniforms - Fitting and management of band uniforms

  2. Car Wash - leading fundraiser

  3. Online Store - clothing/merch sales

  4. Website - maintain/improve website

  5. Volunteer Coordinator - Create and maintain Sign-up Genius

  6. Hospitality (for kids prior to competitions)

  7. Spectacle/Spark

    1. Bake Sales

    2. Hospitality

    3. Volunteer Coordinator

    4. Sponsorship

  8. Others as needed for specific tasks

Specialty Skills

The band requires parents with an array of skills to support the band throughout the year. This is an opportunity for parents that may not have time for a board or committee position, but would like to help with more one-off tasks as needed. At this point we are just gathering names for skills and there is no commitment. We will reach out as needed throughout the year when something comes up that matches your skills. Some examples would be:

  1. Sewing

  2. Graphic/Website Design

  3. Prop Building

  4. Advocacy & Grants (School, School Board, State Government)